Thursday, November 19, 2020

If this is November . . .

 . . . I'll take it.

It was so nice today that, after our daily two games of chess (both of which I lost), we used the excuse of wanting to buy more Mandarin oranges to go for a drive. 

Gerry waited in the car with Murphy while I ran into the store. I shouldn't have grabbed a cart on the way in because once I had it I, had to use it. Turned out we needed a few things in addition to oranges. 

I transferred the groceries from the cart to the back seat of the car under the watchful eyes of my husband and little Yorkie and when I got to the oranges: "That's a $70 box of oranges." Happens that way all the time.

We detoured through the park, car window down, on the way home just because it was so beautiful outside. I hope it stays like this for a few more weeks.

The temperature gauge in the car said it was 46 degrees Fahrenheit, which means nothing to me anymore (a quick query to my friend Google tells me that equates to 8 degrees Celsius) but it felt much warmer than that. 

It's the strangest thing with our car: every now and then, randomly, it switches between imperial and metric temperature. It seems to have no trouble being bilingual with respect to showing us the temperature. Not so with me.

When we moved from Canada to Washington state in 2007, I adjusted quickly to the temperature being reported as Fahrenheit. It didn't take long until Celsius didn't compute in my brain. It was the same in reverse when we returned to Canada in 2014. 

These days I'm back to thinking of the outside temperature in metric—but that's pretty much it. Distance and weight and the temperature of my oven and my body are all imperial in my mind. 

I was sixteen when Canada went metric and, obviously, never completely made the switch. I think it's that way for many, if not most, of us of a certain age.

Anyway, however you interpret it, the temperature outside today was stellar. May we have many more days like this!

What's it like where you live?


  1. I used to do medical transcription (typing up what doctors dictated after providing care to patients) and a lot of their stuff they do is in metric so I got used to calculating how much a patient weighed in kilograms versus pounds, temperature with Celsius versus Fahrenheit but didn't really learn the metric system. There was talk, as you are probably aware, of the United States converting to it (I think by the year 1984 but that was years ago) but that didn't really happen. Its good we have google these days so it can do the calculations for us :)

    Funny story about our son. Everyone does temperature checks here to make sure people aren't coming to work with a fever. At his restaurant where he is a chef they are supposed to check their own temperatures. He did it one day and got 35. He's like "am I dead?" then realized it was in Celsius. I'm sure he was not the only one concerned with such a low temp.

    It was 88 degrees here today. But remember we can get up to 115 degrees in the summer and this past year we had the most days over 100 degrees (like I think 150 days).


    1. That’s funny about your son’s temperature! I had a virtual appointment with my nurse practitioner a few months ago and reported my temperature to her in Fahrenheit and she had to convert it in order to understand it!

      Still envying your warm weather. We get hot (over 100) in the summer but things change drastically in the winter!


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