Showing posts with label blogging. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blogging. Show all posts

Saturday, November 14, 2020

Everything old is new again

Once upon a time, way back in 2008, I started a blog. It was called My Own Velvet Room after a favourite childhood book. It became a place where I hung out, made new friends, and wrote random things about the life I was living. It was simple. I loved it.

Then I created another (A Grandma's Garden) and yet another (Arms of Adoption).

In time, I set up a website because I had dreams of writing a book and "everyone" said a writer had to have a website. The website remained relatively static, but I did write that book. And another one, too.

I posted to the adoption blog when adoption-related things crossed my desk or my mind, and I updated the gardening blog throughout a couple of seasons.

It all got overwhelming so I combined them all into one and called it A Slice of LifeI've been there ever since. The blog has grown and changed and I'm there early most mornings contemplating thin places where faith intersects life. I love the friends I've made through it and I love the practice of writing and posting there.

Despite rumours to the contrary blogging, for me, never died. Social media has done its best to draw our attention away from blogs to their platforms and, to some extent, it's been successful.

But, you know, I miss the old days of blogging.

I miss the long-form newsy updates (as opposed to short-form social media posts), and the homey comfy feel of visiting other blogs. So I looked back at my link list, racked my mind for the names of old favourites, and tried to stop by some places I used to be a regular at. I found so many blogs that either hadn't been updated for years or no longer existed.

And it made me sad.

And now I'm here. 

I thought I might create a good old fashioned blogger blog again so I logged on and—low and behold—there was a list of blogs I used to follow. Hurray! But again, when I visited I found most of them were no longer active.

I feel like I'm starting from scratch here, but so be it. I'm going to give it a go here on blogger again. Low key. Light-hearted. Just ordinary, everyday stuff. The stuff that makes a life.

Here we go . . .

P.S. If you're reading this, please do a girl a favour and leave a comment!

P.P.S. Please be patient while I figure out the platform here again!

P.P.P.S. You’re welcome to join me on my morning blog too!